Thomas & Friends Lost DVD

I was bored out of my mind, so I went to Amazon to buy something. I was a fan of Thomas & Friends. I had all the toys. I had bachmann models of them. I only had 4 bachmann Thomas trains. I had only Thomas, Percy, Gordon, and Toby. I had trackmaster and take n play models. I found a Thomas DVD. The name was unknown. I ordered it anyway. I waited for the DVD. I heard a knock at the door that it was the DVD. The person who gave it to me said "THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR BUYING THIS! MY NIGHTMARES ARE OVER!" and he ran away happily. I was wondering what he was so excited about.

Part 1

So, I put the DVD in my DVD player. The intro was normal but Thomas was going slow. so was the music. As the intro Ended, It showed a picture of Thomas Engines at Knapford. It seemed normal to me. Their faces were normal. it showed this for about 20 seconds. It then cut to Thomas puffing so fast he derailed. Parts were broken. That's the end of Part 1. It also came with other parts of the DVD. On to part 2 now.

Part 2

As Part 1 Ended I found part 2 for the DVD. I took it and put The Part 1 DVD out of my DVD player and put part 2 in. It started with an Image of Thomas. He had an O face. His eyes were white. I heard Evil scary laughter. I was so scared. The image disappeared and then a Thomas Jumpscare came to me. It freaked me out. Part 2 then ended. I didn't want to put part 3 in but curiousity got the better of me.

Part 3

Well, I was so scared of this I put part 2 out and put part 3 in. There were a total of 4 parts. Part 3 began with Thomas crying sadly. It was realistic crying. He then puffed to James and said he hated his life. He told James he had a secret. His secret was he wanted to never go to Sodor Again. WHAAAAAAAAAT??! WHY WOULD THOMAS DO THIS?!?! He ran away crying again. Part 3 ended.

Part 4

Well, this was the final part. I took part 3 and put part 4 in my DVD Player. It began with Thomas speeding so fast. He fell off a cliff and died. Part 4 ended. Well, that was short but that's all the DVD had.